Sunday, March 6, 2016

Prenatal care of expecting mother

A healthier mother is the key to a healthier baby. Expecting mother who engage themselves in regular exercise, yoga and maintain a balanced diet are more likely to give birth to a healthier baby to those who don't .
Here are some health tips for all the expecting mothers reading this blog. I hope these tips would help you during your prenatal care:

First and foremost, during pregnancy it is important for you to visit your doctor regularly. Go for frequent checkups to avoid any complication at latter stages of the pregnancy.
# Before starting or stopping any medicine, consulting your Doctor is a healthy option.
# Taking multivitamin or prenatal vitamin helps in increasing immunity of you and of your baby.

Secondly, it is important for you to take a balanced diet during pregnancy.
# Eat variety of healthy foods. start including fruits, green vegetables, calcium rich foods in your diet.A balanced diet   provides your baby the nutrients which it needs to grow.
# Don’t rely on just your prenatal vitamin to cover your nutritional needs, you need to combine your prenatal vitamin and a good diet to carry you through your pregnancy.
# Giving yourself proper nutrition will prevent you from getting anemia, which is linked to preterm birth and low birth  weight.

Third tip is to get hydrated or consume plenty of fluids through your prenatal period.
# Dehydration is the leading cause of pre-term contraction.Taking at least 3 liters of water in a day keeps pre-term  contraction away.
# Water acts as the body’s transportation system. It transports vitamins, nutrition and a whole bunch of other great things  to your baby during pregnancy. So drink lots of water, eat water based fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumbers.
# Drink caffeine free herbal teas and drink low fat milk to stay hydrated.

Other tip is to make healthy changes in your lifestyle:
# Gain healthy amount of weight.consult your doctor to understand how much weight gain you should aim for during your pregnancy period.
# Avoid smoking, intake of alcohol or use of drugs during pregnancy.This is not considered as a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy.
# It is important for you to take plenty of naps and avoid stress.
# Get yourself informed by reading books, watching videos, joining childbirth classes, etc.This will help you to get prepared for the birth of your baby.
# Does your back hurts?
  Watch your foot wear - we know that high heels are pretty, but do not wear them at least during  your pregnancy. Wear  a shoe that’s supportive and is comfortable to walk around.
# It is important for you to keep your posture in check, do not sit at your desk for too long - stretch, walk around and move your body. This will help in better blood circulation.

That's all for today's post. make sure to like and subscribe for new posts.

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